1) Business Ombudsman Council of Ukraine - www.boi.org.ua

2) The Commissioner for Protection of Rights of Entrepreneurs (Business-ombudsman) of Georgia - www.businessombudsman.ge

3) The Commissioner for Entrepreneurs’ Rights under the President of the Russian Federation - www.ombudsmanbiz.ru

4) The Commissioner (ombudsman) for Protection of Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan- www.ombudsmanbiz.kz

5) Authorized person of the Kyrgyz Republic for the protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of business entities - www.boi.kg

6) Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman - www.asbfeo.gov.au

7) The Ombudsman for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises of Poland - www.rzecznikmsp.gov.pl

8) Korean Foreign Investment Ombudsman - www.ombudsman.kotra.or.kr

9) Korean Small and Medium Business Ombudsman - www.osmb.go.kr

Kasimov Dilmurod Sultanmuratovich


An important aspect of the current reforms is not to find the shortcomings of entrepreneurs and punish them, but to teach them how to properly organize their work

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